Interview, Philippines, Poetry, Political, Spring

Episode #132: Marianne Chan, author of ALL HEATHENS

Marianne Chan is the author of All Heathens.  She grew up in Stuttgart, Germany, and Lansing, Michigan. Her poems have appeared in West Branch, The Journal, Poetry Northwest, Denver Quarterly, Indiana ReviewCarve Magazine, and elsewhere. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She serves as poetry editor at Split Lip Magazine.

Poetry, Political, Winter

Episode #120: Of Resistance and Refusal

Episode #120: Writers and poets, Lauren Lola, Jane Wong and Tamiko Beyer share writing of resistance and refusal.

Readings mentioned in the introduction:

Teju Cole’s NY Editorial, “A Time for Refusal”

Adrienne Rich’s “XI: One night, on Monterey Bay…” from An Atlas of the Difficult World

If you’d like to submit a recording, please email Rachelle at rachelle.a.cruz[at]gmail[dot]com.

