Announcements, Comics

Announcement: we’re covering comics on The Blood-Jet!


We’re expanding our coverage to include more comics (sequential art or graphic novels or whatever fancy name you want to call them) on The Blood-Jet Writing Hour!

Why comics?

Rachelle (the host/producer) grew up reading tons of them and then took a class on the graphic novel which renewed her interest in the medium.  Recently, she started teaching a graphic novel class and noticed an infectious  enthusiasm from her students that she didn’t see anywhere else.  She wanted to know more about the medium of comics, the writing and drawing processes involved in comics creation, and the writing and pop culture communities that rally around this medium.   The Blood-Jet Writing Hour wants to be a part of these conversations.

What will The Blood-Jet Writing Hour cover?

We’re interested in comics creators’ writing and drawing processes, the relationship between poetry and comics and how the image is distilled and rendered, and how participating in fandom communities relates to the creative process.  We’d love to cover poets who are interested in the poem-comic, or the visual poem and want to cover the work of Douglas Kearney, Kenneth Koch, Bianca Stone at some point in the future.  (Email us if you’re interested! See below.)

So, what should we expect in the next few weeks?

Plenty!  Coverage from guest bloggers on Comikaze Expo, a comic book convention in Los Angeles, interviews with cartoonists like MariNaomi, Yumi Sakugawa, and more.  Stay tuned, and we hope you enjoy our upcoming content.

 Hey!  I like comics and poetry and all of the things you mentioned.  Can I contribute something?

If you’d like to write an essay that explores the relationship between comics and poetry, or if you’d like to interview a cartoonist, or write a review of a graphic novel, please email us at bloodjetradio {at} gmail {dot} com.  We’re looking forward to hearing from you!


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